• Imaginary
    You are
    Yet more real to me
    Then many I have met
    Someone to hold me
    When I cry or hurt
    Someone to treat me how
    I wish to be
    They all leave
    But without their help
    A broken
    Mess I would be
    Thank god
    For imaginary

    Have you ever listened?
    To your parents fight
    Have you ever
    Cowered in a closet
    And turned out the light
    Trying desperately to hide
    Not to hear
    And plugging your ears
    And wishing to disappear
    And wondering if
    The peace and love
    Will ever come back
    Then being a victim of misplace rage
    You always felt
    As though you were in a cage
    Where everyone can throw rocks in
    But you can’t get out
    And life is horrid
    And you just want help
    But you have no one to go to
    Nowhere to hide
    For parents are who you should confide in
    And home is where you should hide
    So what does one do?
    When they have
    Neither choice
    Just read and sleep
    Make imaginary people in which you confide
    For they will never betray you
    For you gave them life
    With them you’re fine
    And never feel alone
    You’re always loved
    It is like a drug
    You even make a home
    There you’re safe
    Everything is fine
    Love is forever
    And life is fine
    You try to be less
    Selfish in the real world
    So you give in
    Do things you don’t want
    But they still punish you
    Only worse
    And it just hurts
    Then you feel anger rage
    And want to punch holes in the walls
    To finally get your own way
    You feel as though you’re going insane
    But you don’t show it
    You just hide
    And dream of another life