• I walked in the rain not knowing where i was going.The dropplets of water splashed on my face.So I walked and walked and walked...not knowing where I was going.

    I walked in the rain not knowing where I was going.I saw a family of ducks waddling in front of me.Mama duck 1st then all her ducklings following.So I walked and walked and walked...not knowing where I was going.

    I walked in the rain not knowing where I was going.I saw a cute little rabbit hopping closer and closer to me.He scratched his whiskers like a old man.Then he ran off in the distance looking like a pearl in a patch of sea weed.So I walked and walked and walked not knowing where I was going.

    I walked in the rain not knowing where I was going.I looked at a puddle and saw my reflection.Then for a moment...I noticed I was the only living thing around.So I stood up took one last look and walked off.So I walked and walked and walked knowing where I was going.
