• How do I loathe thee?

    How do I loathe thee? I shan't embellish the ways but the reasons so.
    I loathe thee to the hollow pits of thy soul
    My heart ablaze and and no longer whole
    For even in the end, my incarnation will disemble in thee sight.
    I loathe thee to the level of day's
    Most dreaded fear, by darkness and solemn hours.
    I loathe thee freely, like the night devours.
    I loathe thee purely, from the depths of thy heart and thy soul.
    I loathe thee with fury that will ease.
    In time that will come to pass.
    I loathe thee, but I've paid thy fees.
    With new found hope - I loathe thee only with the remains of a wounded heart.
    In sorrow and mourning, through thy days - and, when the deity calls
    I shall loathe thee, even a lifetime apart.