• The smoke from her pure white cigarette
    floated up to the moon creating a haze
    with eyes like aquamarine jewels
    and lips the color of spilled blood
    I was sucked into her sparkling world
    She offered her hand and a promise
    in the dark and dingy alleyway
    never once asking me why I was here
    people came to her not the other way
    'your mind will be mangled' she whispered
    I saw he beginning and the ending of the world
    from the safety of a distant star
    and both were equal in beauty
    there was no contest between them
    'From nothing it came into existence
    to nothing it will fade way' she said
    we made love in sweet brutality
    for we were the gods of space
    and everything moved at our command
    She plucked a star from the fabric
    shattering it within her palm
    she threw the glitter in the air
    and I closed my glowing eyes
    dancing and twirling about in the rain
    But when they reopened she was gone
    and I was once again in the alleyway
    I put my hand up to my mouth
    and blood was on my fingertips
    glitter was spread at my feet