• Remember?

    Do you remember the first time he looked at you "that way"
    When the night was too long while you longed for the day
    During those hours you laid stiff and awake
    Yet dreamed through your eyes the days that await
    Simple days filled with simple chores, wants and needs
    Simple tasks finished with the greatest of ease
    And if the only reason things were a little more easy
    Was he could make living a little less crazy
    He made you want to better yourself
    He made a point to always help
    And told you not to worry
    That you were perfect just the way you were
    Do you remember the first time he touched you so softly
    Gazed in your eyes with a soul only loftly
    When the time that you parted was a time you both dreaded
    A time in which you were both once more reminded
    That every second together you spent was adored
    That every memorable moment was loving stored
    Away in your heart it shall stay 'till the end
    Replaying in dreams over and over again
    Everything was as it should be
    The best year of our lives was fully in swing
    Do you remember how good you were to our little group
    When you belonged to them and they to you
    How they tried so hard to help one another
    Even when that meant walking to hell in freezing weather
    Until the day you found out how one truly was
    And how you hated her yet never said a word because
    You still loved her, although very much less
    And you couldn't really blame her for who she obssessed
    Eventhough your love for him grew deeper with the hour
    We allowed everything from this day forward to go sour.
    You let go of him for your so called friend
    Do you remember that decision, to leave him for her
    How angry, upset, truly numb that you were
    Remember how watching them hug made you cringe
    How the flame in your soul made your inner skin singe
    And how at the end of every day
    You couldn't wait to get out of their sight
    You should have remembered that everyone has some sort of hole
    And that even the best of people have dark in thier soul
    You should have predicted what was going to happen
    What evil scheme she would fall and be trapped in
    She, knowing in heart thier love would come to a stop
    Knew from the start who would end up on top
    And now she is left with her anger and hatred
    Remembering times past she will never get back.