• Sitting here, bored, watching the clock, tick tock, hands moving, tick tock, second by second, tick tock, moving slower, tick tock, sound growing, tick tock, louder, tick tock, fidgiting my fingers, tick tock, thiunking, tick tock, the silence, tick tock besides the clock, tick beat tock, wait, tick beat tock, that sound, tick beat tock, what is it? tick beat tock, where tick beat tock, is it coming from? tick beat tock, the floor? tick beat tock, that lump, tick beat tock, in the pool, tick beat tock, AHG, stop! tick beat tock, the clock, tick beat tock, NO! tick beat tock, that beat! tick beat tock, on the floor, tick beat tock, is it really? tick beat tock, i looked, tick beat tock, It is! tick beat tock, my heart! tick beat tock, Alive! tick beat tock, Beating! tick beat tock, but how? tick beat tock, i know, tick beat tock, I'm, tick beat tock, in love, tick beat tock, with him, tick beat tock, Yes! tick beat tock, that's it! tick beat tock, i look up, tick beat tock, i see, tick beat tock, a figure, tick beat tock, could it be? tick beat tock, Yes, tick beat tock, it is! tick beat tock, its him! tick beat tock, beat beat beat, what? beat beat beat, where, beat beat beat, is the tick, beat beat beat, the tock, ceat beat beat, Yes, beat beat beat, its gone! beat beat beat, i see him, beat beat beat, closer, beat beat beat, Almost, beat beat beat, he's here! beat beat beat, we draw near, beat beat beat, in each, beat beat beat, other's arms, beat beat beat, and kiss, beat, tick tock, i awaken, tick tock, a dream, tick tock, i was in, tick tock, no, tick tock, i cry, tick tock, in pain, tick tock, again, tick tock, ...tick tock, tock tock, tock ...tock...toock......