• I been standing here for hours
    With no heat left to live
    I have no blood running
    No heat to love
    My fingers are popsicles
    My life is a freezer
    I will freeze to death
    For the loved ones
    I been standing here for hours
    No life is ours
    I can't move
    I been standing on the ground
    I wish i was Jesus
    Knowing i done great
    I wish the blazing pot was here
    But it is a sleep
    I wish the door would open
    But it is locked
    They don't hear me shout
    I been standing here for hours
    Turning in to days
    I can't wick
    Need a link
    To my life
    I been standing here for hours
    With no food
    Or water
    Jesus 40 days
    Me 40 hours
    I been standing for a day
    And 3/4
    8 more hours the blazing pot
    Will a wake
    The door will unlock
    They will awake
    I been standing here for years
    No one cares
    The heat is gone
    My heart has dropped
    No one came to come
    At least i saved a soul
    All my blood is froze
    You can see it
    In the ice
    And now i shall sleep