• The way you kissed her
    It was like I never existed
    The way you touched me
    I jerked back because I didn't want to risk it

    How do I find the courage to say whats on my mind
    To finally get my chance
    I think its my time

    I deserve much more
    Than this damned trap door
    I'm stuck
    But no one seems to want to help me up

    I followed my mind and just stayed silent
    Bubbling inside I almost errupted
    I want to be sure that safe in someones arms
    To know that I'll be loved always without any harm

    I believe what you see before you
    Is a mask of "I'm okay"
    But the girl that's swinging alone
    Walks the other away

    I'm afraid I'll hurt you
    Afraid you'll leave me
    Embarrased of my lonliness
    Are you embarrased of what you see

    I believe that we were meant to be
    but the girl inside
    wants to be free
    but you'll never unlock me

    You'll just bury me even more