• in school i sit alone
    at home i close all doors
    not talking to anyone
    because the only thing they care about is
    when i cry
    when i get mad
    when something amazing happened
    what is it that they want?
    they want attention
    i don't
    what's the point of it anyway?
    to get popular?
    for what?
    people in my school go in groups caring about themselves most of the time
    so that's why i stay alone
    bcuz i care about myself
    when they ask for help i help them
    i don't try to make them feel better
    because i am not best friends with them
    they talk to me when they are bored
    the talk to me to be more social
    but i don't want to be
    not just to have friends
    but to have company
    thats what i want
    but no people just take care of the people they love
    not the people they barely know because there's is not point to
    they do it when they are told
    they do it when they feel like it
    i stand there still
    doing nothing much
    because i basically have nothing else to do
    nothing much to care about
    that is why i am lonely
    it is why i care for myself
    everytime i try its make no difference to the people i see
    so when they see me stand alone they won't notice