• Welcome to my spider web!
    Would you like to have some fun?
    There’s plenty of room left, so come and join me!
    Come here and sit with my friend the butterfly,
    And my neighbor the beetle!
    We’d love for you to join us for dinner.
    Having you would be quite a treat!
    Don’t be shy, you’re very welcome here.
    You look rather cold, why don’t I get you a blanket?
    I’ll use some of my web!
    I’ll just wrap you up with a few of my sticky threads.
    What’s that?
    You can’t move?
    That’s very good!
    Now, why don’t I call some more friends to join us for dinner?
    Don’t look so sad Mr. Fly,
    It will be so much fun and there will be plenty to eat!
    Hello my friends!
    Hello my neighbors!
    Welcome to my spider web!
    Would you like to have some fun?
    There’s plenty of room left, so come and join me!