• A meal for two is always hard to prepare.
    You have to make sure everything is set.
    Not too much chicken. Not too much seasoning.
    Don’t forget the oil on the pan,
    can’t have it sticking. That could end badly.
    The choices one has to make:
    When do I put in the onions?
    What choice of drink?
    Water. No, wine.
    What do I set the timer for?
    Check the bag.
    So many choices only lead to more questions:
    When was dinner?
    What do I wear?
    Something nice of course.
    When is he coming?
    Five. No, five-thirty.
    Confusion always seems to follow in suit,
    and before you know it the doorbell rings.
    The chicken is burnt. You forgot the oil.
    You’re not dressed. Nothing is ready.
    Then you remember.
    He’s not here for the food.