• the night has no light as i walk through the shadows
    and now my life has no good, just has this has no light
    the evil, increases by the second and i am sentenced to a life of misery,
    can i escape the blood that has overshadowed my eyes
    that has taken over my life and killed it.
    The killing is getting worse
    There is death where ever i go.
    I cant help it. It is controlling me,
    my thirst is overpowering.
    more and more people walk into my arms
    without hesitation, unsuspecting victims
    they come because i tell them to
    with the power that serges inside of me
    that is tearing me limb from limb
    and making me into a monster that i feared when i was a child
    they took me away, and made me into this
    this creature that no one can control
    alone i am, alone to remain a secret
    never loving, never being loved, and killing all in sight
    i get hungry and i kill, and theres no stopping it.
    someone, anyone, release me from my torment
    and become my savior, and salvation.
    take that stake in your hand,
    drive it through my heart,
    and release my soul
    so that i may fly free.