• I'll sit on the beach
    With the sun shining in
    Or swim in the water
    That lies within
    Swim with the dolphins
    Only to fly
    Or talk to the birds
    High up in the sky
    Breathe underwater
    Never to drown
    Lay on the beach
    Listenin' to the sound
    Lay underwater
    Never to replace
    Beauty's daughters
    One and only place
    To catch the sound
    Creeping by
    Or to glimpse the rainbow
    Up in the sky
    To challenge the thunder's
    Unruley song
    Or fear the lightening
    Only to be wrong
    The waves are there
    Singing a song
    The banks are there
    Humming along
    The sand is my
    Secret place
    The sea is my
    Freedom space
    I listen to beauty's song
    I've been sitting there all along
    She's singing all
    About her daughters
    She's saying that
    They're all quarters
    Quarters of her
    Heart and face
    Quarters of the
    Human race
    Earth, fire
    Wind and sea
    The 4 that
    Would stick with me
    They would
    Forever bind
    The only thing left
    Which is time
    They'll only
    Take it away
    So that forever
    Is only a day
    A day that
    You'll always spend
    The sun is setting
    In the sky
    As beauty's daughters
    Passing by
    The noise and
    The laughter fades away
    The only signal
    That ends the day
    I look back
    At what i see
    The only word
    That comes to me
    Is that word
    A word that means
    Always heard
    The sun is
    The daughters
    Are gone
    Leaving behind
    One single song
    The song of how
    I spent the day
    The song that's
    Never thrown away
    I caught the song
    Only to take it
    A thought comes in my mind
    I never shake it
    Beauty's daughters
    Lonely beach
    The only words
    In my speech