• My dear human,
    Please don’t cry over me
    I only want you to smile and laugh
    So please don’t cry

    Remember that you are all forgetful
    But we’re not

    I remember when you first gave me my name
    I remember the little song you made just for me
    Regardless on how childish I was
    I remember that day your dad was tickling you,
    And I thought he was hurting you,
    So I bit his nose, and you laughed
    I smiled

    I also remember that day you when you first started to cry
    I walked over to you and licked your tears away
    You petted me and held me so close
    I was glad to make you smile

    I remember the day you moved away from the house
    I was sad and I knew you where too,
    But we knew it was for the best
    And when you visited me I was happy
    Even if it was brief
    I was happy to make you smile again

    I also remember when my tumor started to grow
    I knew you were sad
    I’m sorry for doing that to you
    I even though it was kind of hurting me
    I didn’t want it to show it
    I knew it would make you sad

    My last memory was just lying down,
    Waiting for death
    I knew he was coming soon
    When he came he asked me if there was anything I wanted
    To do before I left
    I told him “Yes, make my human happy today,
    The moment she wakes up, just make her happy”
    So he did

    The only thing I regent is not being able to say good bye
    But my dear human
    Please…be happy