• i should complain my lifes been hard
    ive been beaten ive been scared
    left and abanded to an orphanage
    with many others as my niche
    i grew up her were no parent was
    not alone but with a family of us
    the ones not wanted the ones abanded
    we will not cry though for our own
    weve gotten stronger from pain and we've grown
    to go to the world of great
    and show that we can cooperate
    to become the best the world has seen
    with a bad start were still in the lead
    we no already how cruel the world can be
    weve been beaten, abused is the name i have been deemed
    so as you sit here ready my letter
    think to your self on how youve had it better
    even i no there has been worse than mine
    ttheve been killed or havent left the painfull time
    dont cry about your self
    theres ones out there that need more help
    but even we dont really need it we've survived so far
    and not by crying or running from it far
    no we stayed and fought it out
    we have beeten it and are better no doubt