• I was hoping
    That you and I
    Could talk to each other
    Without any lies.

    I am willing
    To keep our friendship intact,
    If you promise
    Not to break this pact.

    If you look deep
    Inside yourself
    You will find
    An old dirty shelf.

    It contains
    The memories of your past.
    Take your time to look
    And don't go too fast.

    Some may be good,
    Some may be bad,
    Some may make you happy,
    And some may make you mad.

    The two of us
    Can throw them all away,
    Make room for better ones
    Where they will always stay.

    There will always be good,
    And there will always be bad,
    But either way you put it
    Me being in them makes me glad.

    But I can't do it alone.
    I need your help too.
    If we work together
    We could start our friendship anew.

    The rebirth of this unity
    Will make it bold to the core,
    And hopefully last longer
    Than the many times before.