• i woke up to a deffening sound,
    a horible, tragic, blood-curdeling sound,
    worse than a depressed doctor telling you that you have terminal cancer,
    worse than hearing a tornado siren when your child is on a walk,
    worse than the church bell ringing at a funeral service,
    it was three beeps,
    telling me that the coffee,
    was two hours old,
    and already dead.
    i lumbered into the kitchen were I saw the coffee maker,
    the joy maker,
    the life giver,
    i shoveled more ground beans and water,
    into the machine to make it happy again,
    to make me happy again,
    i pressed a button, heard a churn,
    and instantly my coffee drizzled out.
    my double-turbo-extra-caffinated,
    java was pouring out and in three minutes i would be happy,
    so i stood and waited by the coffe pot,
    the coffee slowly...slowly...slowly drizzled out
    it was the longest three minutes in the history of the world,
    until, the last few churns of the coffee maker sounded,
    and then, i heard a wonderous sound,
    a gleeful, happy, joyous sound,
    better than the first cry of your newborn baby,
    better than your spouse holding your hand and saying "I do"
    better than having your mom, dad, or child saying "i love you"
    it was five beeps,
    telling me that the coffe was only a second old,
    and jumping with super caffinated joy.
    i picked up the hot handle of the kettle,
    poured the java into the biggest coffee cup i had,
    and then,
    i took a sip,
    and i went through heaven, simply heaven,
    as the hot fluid slipped through my throat,
    warming my heart and soul,
    and giving me my beautiful life back,
    how supremely heaven,
    java can be.