• It takes a lot for me to admit how much you mean to me
    And it will take a lot more for you to understand and see
    Everything I say you should know is completely true
    And I really hope you see how much I feel for you.

    Every time your name pops up onto the msn viewer
    I feel my mind racing to three words fewer and fewer
    When my heart flutters at just the thought of you
    I know my feelings are untouched and I feel renewed.

    If it weren’t for you, where would I stand
    You have always made me feel oh so grand
    The feelings you give me are undeniable
    And my previous men are incomparable.

    I want to thank you, for showing me my way
    And I know that it will take a lot for our feelings to sway.
    But if something comes up, there’s one thing you need to see
    I will always have strong feelings for you and me.