• I'm falling. I'm lost in my own sense of darkness. No longer is there any light strong enough to save me. It has all crumbled away into nothing. My heart beat is slowing down to a weak and feeble pulse; my tears thick, and my breathing is shallow and weak. My vision is faded and and no longer can i hear her calling out to me. To save me. To love me. ... Even with her heart melding with mine, it is all for naught and shall result in catastrophe. Let me push away your heart. I will not allow you to die to save me. My lungs are pained as I breathe in and kiss you one last time. I am safe in my own consious. Your tears are drowning me in this sorrow. I Can't stand it anymore. It pains me to pain you. I am dying because of it, My life is measured with hours if not seconds. I say your name a final time and my spirit is carried onto the void by death. I miss you. The old you. But it matters not, for I will always lopve you.