• It all flies by,
    In the blink of an eye,
    It doesn’t wait,
    It is just fate.
    I fear time,
    It is the ringing chime,
    I fear it’s end,
    When will it ascend?

    It is like the hidden dark veil,
    The hands grab without prevail.
    The thief in the night,
    He comes with a fright.
    You don’t know when he’ll be here,
    Though some will greet it with a cheer.
    I don’t know why I have such fears,
    It just brings tears.

    You tell me to be calm,
    You tell me to be strong.
    But if I am to do so,
    I need out of this low.
    I cannot do this alone,
    I feel like a hard stone.
    Help me I ask,
    To cask away this hard mask.