• I walk around with a smile on my face
    Laughing and talking with friends
    but what they do not know is,
    this isn't me.
    For what they know I am a happy person
    Yet they only see my surface.
    Within me I am alone
    They see my mask not me.
    I am a truly depressed person
    The true me is afraid.
    I wish I was strong enough
    But that's not the way I was made.
    When I am alone I think about my life
    But when it is time for friends,
    I slip on my mask and the acting begins.
    We laugh and talk and I put on a smile
    but I am still me.
    They see my mask not me.
    Sometimes I mess up and someone will notice
    I put on a smile and say I am fine.
    They think I'm tough
    But i'm really quite emotional
    They see my mask not me.
    I hide who I truly am
    Afraid of what others will think
    Of the real me.
    I wish my mask was the real me
    But I know my wish won't come true.
    If I was really that way
    I would love my life
    They see my mask not me