• I do these stupid things,
    Expecting the outcome to be better, but it never is.
    The final blow, The final slash, The final cut.
    My heart in pieces, torn, slashed, destroyed,
    Lying in pieces at our feet,
    Never to be repaired.
    In my dreams, I can still be happy,
    But then i wake up to my nightmare,
    It hits me hard.
    No more happiness, No more love.
    My Mate is gone, My Lover, My Angel, My Soulmate.
    I was the fool, I let him go,
    Breaking Heart, Tearing Eyes, Aching Soul.
    Broken, I am forever broken, like my heart,
    In pieces at our feet,
    Never to be repaired.
    You walk away, like nothing ever happened,
    Finished. Done.
    I hope your happy, because I am not,
    I still love you, but you dont seem to care at all,
    Like it doesn't even affect you, like this never existed.
    My Beauiful Seraph.
    What have I done?
    This has become the Ultimate Suicide,
    This Slaughter Of My Heart.
    What went wrong? Why did I push you away?
    Oh. Thats right. Because I am the ultimate fool.
    I dont want to go on, not without you,
    I feel as if i cant go on without you, I've become so attached,
    I dont want to keep on living, with a shattered heart and a broken soul,
    I love you, I always did, I always will.
    Whats happened to us?
    Oh yes the world hates us my darling,
    But I love you, even if you dont feel the same, even if you so obviously hate me,
    Your light will never die my Beautiful Angel,
    You showed me so much,
    Beauty, Love, Emotion,
    I will never forget you,
    I will never stop loving you,
    Because like you said my darling,
    "We are birds of a feather, Now and Forever, Never to whither, As sly tongues slither".