• Before I place
    My heart in your hands
    I need to make sure
    That you truly understand
    I may confuze you
    And my words may come out wrong
    What may have sounded like an insult
    Was a compliment all along
    Altho I don't show it
    I embarrass myself too much
    Whenever I'm around you
    My mouth seems to clamp shut

    I've never felt this way before
    I can't fight this feeling anymore
    Just like a sunset on the shore
    Your beauty I will always adore
    I've gone through too many lies
    To have him take the prize
    And get to see your beautiful eyes
    While I'd sit alone, and cry
    So, get me my armor and my shield
    I'll make sure their mouths are sealed
    Before I come to and this isn't real
    Give me a kiss and I'll make them squeal