• i sit and i cry over someone i have sworn not to forget
    i cry and i suffer.
    the tears cant seem to stop falling from my eyes.
    my heart tightens and my fist grabble.
    i am dizzy from lose of tears. my throat hurts from the sobbing
    i cant seem to stop.
    as i look down and close my eyes tight i hold my breath.
    someone has hurt me. my heart pounds and throbs
    but as i look back up, it has turned light
    i have cried too long. i stand up wobbling for a second and
    someone behind me catches me. i turn around
    there it is. the person who broke me from my Blackheart Breaker
    i let go of the past. and i move forward
    i wpe thse tears and strt to smile
    i hold glass up to thee, my Blackheart Breaker. to thee i say
