• We are born young,but end up dieing old,
    we do what is said,when we are told.
    We must cherish our lives,memories as well,
    to pass them on,as a story to tell.
    Life is a dream,we wake up seeing God,
    knowing were in heaven,knowing he's not a fraud.
    As the years go by,we grow older,
    starting new beginnings,over and over.
    Flowers may bloom,snow may fall,
    kids stay short,adults grow tall.
    We have our own personalities,just ours alone,
    no one can take them,because they have their own.
    We must be ourselves,so don't try and change,
    don't be a fake star,and go outta range.
    The stars are so pretty,they glow so bright,
    shining in the sky,with a beautiful kind of light.
    Stars are special,they make things nice,
    they float up in heaven,with our Christ.
    Stars are alive,there the spirits up in the sky,
    they live with God,and watch over us until we die.
    The stars will glow bright up in that sky,
    showing us that our loved one's are near by,
    watching us in heaven,waiting for us to arrive.
    The Stars watch over us as we watch over them,
    and we will become stars meeting our Christ in the end.