• People get fatter.
    They might as well shatter.
    So i can pick up the pieces,
    That don't matter.
    Heres your food.
    I put it on a .

    Eat like you should.
    Only if you could.
    Oh and yes you would.
    if you could move.
    Get out of bed.
    And put on your shoes.

    But your too fat.
    You can't do that.
    You look like a rat.
    You don't even know where your at.
    You big fat cat.

    Can't walk.
    You just lay.
    Can't talk.
    But thats okay.
    I know you wish you could loose some weight.
    But maybe another day.

    Chill out.
    You'll make it through.
    Lay around.
    Thats all you can do.
    Listen to that sound.
    You need more food.

    Yes you can blame Mcdonalds.
    Nice one Ronald.
    You don't care about the kids.
    You even give them breakable lids.
    You just want their money.
    And to you their fatness is kind of funny.

    I'll admit,
    That I'm not skinny.
    Just a little bit,
    Thinking it's too late,
    But thats what they all say.

    Happy meals.
    How happy do you feel?
    When you can't move.
    And your on your bed.
    All alone in your room.
    And your belly,
    Looks like jelly.

    Gotta have your toy.
    Boy oh boy.
    Just a peice of plastic.
    But your parents won't let you have it.
    They said its junk.
    Just trash in your toy trunk.

    Makes you healthy.
    No lie.
    Maybe you'll become wealthy.
    Just eat right.
    Don't eat too much.
    My oh my.
    Did you even eat lunch?

    Fat and skinny.
    Ugly and pretty.
    Me and you.
    Just don't know what to do.

    Just like a hamburger patty,
    Pure meat.
    Not at all sweet.
    Sweaty from the heat.

    You don't have to be like that.
    Always so fat.
    What about your kid.
    He's already ten.
    One hundred twenty pounds.
    His belly is so round.
    He sat on the remote.
    Still can't be found.

    Be an example.
    Not another food sample.
    Teach him right.
    Start loosing weight tonight.
    Don't be fat.
    Don't be like that.