• A true friend knows when something is wrong even though you say you're ok,
    Is there for you when there is a hard time in your life.
    Has all the time in the world to listen to your problems,
    Won't lie to you,
    Will know when you are lying.
    Is the shoulder you cry on,
    Doesn't blow you off for something of less importance,
    Knows when you are about to cry, or yell, or smile.

    A real friend will know when you get your hair cut even if it's just half an inch.
    Knows when you need help,
    Will laugh with you,
    Cry with you,
    Holds you when you need it.
    Enjoys your presence,
    Talks with you,
    Doesn't annoy you.

    You know you have a true friend when you can trust them.
    When, to you, they become your brother or sister.