• HER! why did she leave?
    she says she doesnt even know
    but she wont kiss me
    she wont give me a hug
    she wont even sit next to me
    it used to be
    that we would sit together
    and i would listen to her breathe
    so gratefull for that sound
    that sound that meant she was alive and here with me
    and we where happy
    and all was fine in the world
    but without her
    without Courtney
    my problems come back
    to haunt my brain
    she kept them away
    because every moment with her
    was like a moment of peace
    and happiness
    but now shes gone
    and it feels like she took part of my heart
    with her
    and i cant breathe
    i cant scream
    i cant cry
    all i can do is sit and wonder why
    why did she leave me
    for my best friend
    it hurts
    like a physical pain in my body
    making me want to scream
    and cry
    but i cant
    i can only sit and wonder