• All await the clear blue sky
    And Dread when the moon is high
    When the night approaches and the shadows grow long
    The ghost sings joy and the chickadee its song
    All flee from the shadow
    Lock they're doors
    He will make blood spill from your pores
    Kneed you're spine into his dough
    Put thorns in you're pillow
    And so tell the bard
    When the sky still tinged with red
    A hero Emerged from the crystal graveyard
    The moon blew silver across her face
    The death of the Shadows, Dressed in Bloodlace.

    When the night had just begun
    The blood wolf was out on the run
    He and the rest of his pack
    Where the first for her to attack
    The Wolf was the first of the evil to meet its demise
    It met its fate because of lies, lies, lies
    The troll saw her as merely a dolly
    This was his folly
    It brought its fist down to smash
    To it's surprise she met it with a clash
    They fought with neither axe, sword nor spear
    When it faltered and fell she jumped onto it like a single ruby tear
    She tore off its head and released an incoherent cheer
    It had met its fate
    For the misery suffering and hate
    The hero had kept her place
    The death of the Shadows, Dressed in Bloodlace.

    But those weren't her only challenges
    For her next enemy was a pythoness
    But yet again proved herself under duress
    The monster fought with whip and trident
    and there died the serpent
    for all its attempts where in vain
    It met its doom for violence disease and pain
    She won with all ease of grace
    The death of the Shadows, Dressed in Bloodlace.

    After defeating the serpent charmer
    She found a set of ruby red armor
    It was of the strongest make
    She was sure it would not falter or break.

    The Shadow had heard of her feats
    He sent his army's across the peats
    She defeated them all with her sword
    The bringer of good protector and ward
    He set out himself on a quest of death
    He tainted the land with his very breath
    He found her hacking through a horde of undead
    When she finished the ground was stained with red
    The shadow turned to face her the spawn of some darkling
    She drew her sword, the diamond in the hilt sparkling
    "This is your last chance to share the power"
    "I admire that you can stand and not cower,
    For i am the death of the shadows and the death of you"
    "let us cease this dithering for this fight is long overdue"
    She deflected the dagger he threw
    And so began the battle that would decide the fate of everyone
    The dust kicked up covered over the sun
    The battle lasted many long hours
    It depleted them of all they're powers
    And when they where both overwhelmed by pain
    She, the protector of light and evils bane
    Beheaded the evil shadow and broke his spell on the night
    and so ended the fight
    The savior of her race
    The death of the Shadows, Dressed in Bloodlace.