• This home isn't a home
    This life isn't a life
    Your love is not love
    but only an iron knife

    This home that's not a home
    is made with steel bars
    The doors are locked shut
    and the windows are barred

    This life that's not a life
    is filled with fear and hate
    My eyes are filled with tears
    This world brings me pain

    Your love is not love
    it is a poison lying in wait
    to sting its next victim
    and bring it to an ill fate

    I was caught in your iron grasp
    you will not let go
    now I'm falling, falling
    into your world of control

    There is one who can save me
    He can show me what's right
    and he can carry my soul
    back into the light

    His eyes are a green fire
    His hair black as night
    He is tall and finely muscled
    always ready for a fight

    He would fight for me
    to free my soul
    but there's not much hope
    I'm about to go

    Then something happens
    The world is set on fire
    Passion is burning everywhere
    in a flash of green fire

    I am forever lost in those eyes
    and that beautiful smile
    until the end of my days
    when I run my last mile