• Take a look at me,
    take a good look at us.
    Haven't we pulled off long enough?

    We made silly promises we knew we couldn't keep.
    I wonder why we ever believed in the first place?
    We promised to be together forever.

    We promised to be there for eternity.
    What is happiness?
    With the rain pounding against my face,

    flowing down along with my tears.
    I try to stay sane.
    I wonder whatever happened to our sanity.

    When we would look out into the sunlight,
    and think to ourselves.
    "This is forever, this is where I want to be."

    What was the best choice in the first place?
    Were we just trying to hold onto something that tore apart long ago?
    Trying to tape back together the pieces?

    There's nothing left,
    of the broken hearted me.
    We both knew deep down that it would be impossible,

    a mere miracle if we ever lasted what we simply called "eternity".
    If we were to stay in our dreamland for years,
    for days, and hours, minutes, seconds..

    It was too late when the glass fell apart,
    and crashed into our world.

    By then,
    we knew it was all over.