• It was a dark depressing night,
    yes that night i filled my pants tight,
    oh god why,
    stab me in the eye,
    for tomorrow i eat more chili.
    it burns it burns i scream,
    the lessons i have learned again.
    im leaking, squshing out the seams.
    smelly, p***y cream,
    like a bowl of fish eggs squirting acid in my mouth,
    filled a bucket of sticky sour cream,
    oh why the endless tears,
    the cries of pain.
    red rain,
    upon the poop soup of the moop.
    like what did i just read,
    make love to me randy.
    I cant stand it,
    my nose has melted,
    my eyes are bleeding.
    screamed, "DAYUMM".
    Unwanted smelly chili farts.
    brown reeking dark tarts,
    explosive diarrhea out of my mouth.