• Words are a very man-made thing,
    they think like we think,
    and so we think them true.

    But they only think like we think
    because we think them.

    We hear their sounds,
    we see their shapes,
    then they make what we want to see.

    Words do not make new pictures,
    but they make you see
    things you never saw before,

    Words cannot make new ideas,
    but they spawn the connections
    so you do so for yourself.

    Words will not tell your story,
    but they give you a way to share it,
    and make it understood.

    Words are the in between,
    they are the bridge to the mind and heart,
    they are the little things that make you remember
    the things you already knew
    but forgot.

    Words are very tricky though,
    because in each person they mean different things,
    and when you talk with words alone
    you find that you do not get far.

    We have a book of words
    using words
    to describe words
    (a sound that has a meaning and is spoken or written.)
    Is that your word?
    Not my word.
    My word is different.

    Words make no pictures,
    no ideas,
    no stories,
    but they make you make those things.

    We look in front of us
    we do not see the words in the place
    of what they represent.

    We do not think in speech
    and yet we must speak in words
    to see things as they are.

    Words are there,
    and I am speaking of words in words,
    to make you wonder if these words I use
    are my words or your words,
    they are both and they are neither,
    they are just words,

    But they are also a picture,
    they are also an idea,
    they are also a story,
    but they are none of these things.

    Are they your words or mine?