• Here I am, the blank spot in your memory. The part you forgot, and don't even miss. Like a reminder of an unpleasant doctor visit, I sit here buried under the paperwork of the rest of your life.
    Sometimes you sort through it all, and see me lying at the bottom, and pause long enough to move me out of your way.
    I am here. We've traveled the road together, me your silent companion. I've been with you through hardship and pain, I've never forgotten you.
    When life turns about and things get hard, I recall all the memories we made together, and things don't seem so bad. But that's not how you do things. I am just a memory to you, set aside as the world moves forward.
    Sometimes that upsets me, and I try to show you how I feel, but you see that as intruding on your life.
    Its hard to be forgotten by those who mean so much to you. But when all the world is done with you, I am still here. Even when you don't speak my name, I am still here. I miss us, and all the things that are gone forever. I can't say goodbye to the best part of my life, so I will always be here.
    When you have time to remember me, stop and say hi to the ghost of yesterday.