If you were declined, please do not PM the person that declined you.


If you use the donate thing on the bottom of the guild's mainpage, I can't use it for anything except subforums. And we don't really need anymore of those.

So, basically, we've got a little over 10k 20k sitting around doing nothing until Gaia finally gives us other things to do with our guild funds.

If you really feel like giving us your Gaia monies, then PM me (Tsumi no Omocha) and I'll make an official guild account for you kids to send monies/items/souls to. Although, I'm not sure what we're gonna do with that stuff but at least we can access it.

The "completely unofficial but we'll pretend it's official because official things are awesome" guild for fans of the band Mindless Self Indulgence. It's the place for you and your fellow Crackers to chat about the band and life in general.

Q. What's this guild about?
A. It's for fans of the band Mindless Self Indulgence, called MSI or Mindless for short. MSI fans are often called Crackers, so we picked Mindless Crackers as the name of our guild (and added "- The Mindless Self Indulgence Guild" so no one would get too confused).

Q. Crackers!? Is this guild racist?
A. No way! Like I said, MSI fans are called Crackers (just like ICP fans are called Juggalos, Jimmy Buffet fans are Parrotheads, etc). In fact, the MSI fanbase consists of white, black and many other races. We're really just playing off the band's own way of making fun of everyone (including themselves).

Q. Who/what is Mindless Self Indulgence?
A. Mindless Self Indulgence is a New York City based band. They originally formed around 1998, though they had previously recorded a CD called Mindless Self-Indulgence in 1995. However, this CD (commonly called the "Self-Titled" by fans), featured mainly frontman Jimmy Urine and his close friend/guitarist Steve Righ?. Urine's brother, M.J., played second guitar on one track, Bed of Roses, in the album. Today, Mindless Self Indulgence consists of vocalist Little Jimmy Urine, guitarist Steve Righ?, bassist LynZ and drummer Kitty.

Q. What genre is Mindless Self Indulgence?
A. Er... this is a hard question as the band's sound changes with literally every LP. sweat Imagine the gayest sound you've ever heard, add some Atari/NES-esque bleeps and a man trying to sing higher than a female soprano and you'll know what Mindless sounds like. XD

Q. So, who's in this band again?
A. Little Jimmy Urine - Mindless' eclectic vocalist/songwriter/programmer/everything guy. He's well-known for insulting every single fan. At every show. At every possible opportunity.
Steve, Righ? - The guitarist. Steve was out during the first part of their 2005 You'll Rebel To Anything Tour while recovering from hip surgery. He's written a few of Mindless' songs and collaberated with Jimmy in their sideproject, The Left Rights.
LynZ - The bassist. In 2001, she replaced the original bassist, VYT, and has done an outstanding job.
Kitty - Mindless' drummer. Very little is known about her, except the she joined Mindless sometime between 1998 and 1999.

Q. You guys seem a little... obsessed. o_O
A. A little obsession never hurt anyone. wink Hey! That's not even a real question.

Q. So, how do I get in?
A. Applying is hella easy. Just say what got you into MSI. You can mention your favourite tracks or even the first Mindless show you went to.

Never heard of MSI? You can still join and find out more about that band Mindless... Senseless... Mindless... uh, whatever. That band that all these kids are obsessed with.

Oh, there is one requirement for joining. Learn the ACTUAL ******** titles of the songs.