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Welcome to The 24 Guild. This is the place for those die-hard 24 fans, the ones who have stuck with the show since day 1. literally. It is even for those who have picked up on the show later and have watched ever since. Those fans who remain faithful to Jack and salute his patriotism. Come join us in conversation, games and informative news. Stay on top of what is happening now in 24.

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In your 'Reason for Joining', in Joining the Guild,
please make a small paragraph on which character you like best (besides Jack Bauer).
That way we know you're really a fan! If you do not include a small character profile,
your request to join the guild will be declined.


Once You Join. Go and post in the 'New Members' Thread and make yourself welcome and introduce yourself a bit.
If you get stuck on what to say just fill this out:

Preferred name to be called:
What do you like about 24:
How long have you been watching 24:
Favorite Character in 24:
Favorite Season of 24:
Favorite Hobbies:
What can you do to help the Guild:



There is a 100g fee to join. Please feel free to donate- any amount, big or small- is appreciated. You can donate, preferably by starting a trade with creature0fhabit. You can do so here. The gold you donate, will go towards Prizes and gold donated directly to the guild will go towards adding new Subforums.
We always appreciate generosity.


If you have any queries, questions, or anything at all in regards to the Guild, please don't hesitate to contact creature0fhabit. Other mods are available for assistance as well.

Looking forward to meeting you!

-The 24 Guild Staff-