Crazy you say?
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What is CrAzY? well:

cra·zy [kráyzee]
adj (comparative cra·zi·er, superlative cra·zi·est) (informal)
1. offensive term: an offensive term meaning affected by a psychiatric disorder
2. ridiculous: not showing good sense or practicality
3. very fond: extremely fond of somebody or something
crazy about tennis

n (plural cra·zies)
offensive term: an offensive term for somebody with a psychiatric disorder!
Not what you meant? oh.... well! Come and see for yourself then!

CrAzY Guild mascots:
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And the spastic Crazy.
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As you read through the forums, you'll find that most of them are written out like a book with these as the Characters. Why? well, I though it would be fun. but i could be wrong....
Be afraid, be very afraid!