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humans and dragons have always lived seprate lives. appart from each other to only rarely make contact. but one day a dragon found a servearly injured boy. takeing pitty on the boy the dragon took out one of his scales and aloud a tiny drop of blood fall into the boys mouth. instantly feeling dragons power rush through his vains the lept to his feet and slew the dragon. as the years passed the people began to hear of the boys powers, including the king. one day the king sumend the boy before him. he told the boy of how he was growing old and had no heirs to take his place when he died. he told him how it would be wonderful if such a powerful and handsom boy like him would take his place and watch over all his people. so the boy agreed to become his heir. a couple of days later the king died do to misterious reasons. so the boy took over as king. the whole kingdom was just so exited about their new king. but the rejoising didn't last long for you see the boy had no intentions of being a humble king. he was a tyrent! from viligle to vilige he had his army attack and inslave. but that was not good enough for him. he had to be the most powerfull being in existance. so he had his men hunt down and slay the dragons of this world. for hundreds of years people have lived in fear and teiror of the king and his men. and worst of all there are nearlly no dragons left. in an despret and final attempt to free this world from peiral the few remaining dragons left sent eggs into the world of the humans so that they and the humans will bond and rise up and defeat the dark king.

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