Recruitment is OPEN

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Welcome to the Gaian Resistance
Established 12/1/2006

My name is Omega Will, and I'd like to tell you a bit about us...
In October of 2006 the Zurg invaded Gaia. The eveil plot turned out to be harmless until December when hostile actions began to unfold. A few stood up from the mass of angry Gaians theory seekers to form the first and long standing Resistance. Our brave ranks worked tirelessly to decode and record all the possible info out there on the Zurg. When the plot unfolded further, we were presented with our masks. A symbol of the fight. We held fast until they backed down and the situation climaxed with the Zurg's banishment.

You may not have been fortunate few to fight beside us, but it is never too late. Vampires, Dark Elves, Zombies and Demons all have tried to claim Gaia. And they will not be the last. We must always be prepared to resist the flowing tide of evil. Come in and join our ranks. Make friends and be prepared to join the fight for there will always be a dark Halloween...

"We the members of the Gaian Resistance do hereby swear to protect all citizens of Gaia,
whether they be newbs, veterans, Zurgs, or Gaians, against all forces that pose a threat to the community.
We swear not to take the first strike and petition peacefully until an event has occurred to force us into action.
We swear to act like civilized, literate users and take no military action during times of peace."


A Plot Guild focused on protecting Gaia and community from the invading forces due to Gaia Events.

How to Join

Please fill out the "Request to Join" application by supplying us with a a quick message on why you want to join. We will then process it. Please allow a week or two for us to respond and check. This is necessary to keep mules out.
- NO bribing your way in
- Friendship does NOT equal instant access.
- You Profile MUST be viewable for background check, UNLESS you can give us a good reason.

The Gaians in Black
Realm of Darkness (Resistance Faction)