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I Don't mean to re-enforce any strict laws for this cult we call for a guild, But I simply do wish to establish 3 simple rules that if not followed, will lead your ass out of here.

1. Don't be a troll...Not Even I Get To Be One c

2. Be Open Minded, If Not - Keep Your Negativity To Yourself . Be The Change You Wish To See In The World Around You .

3. Respect Every Member . This Law I'm very serious about - There is no need to cyber bully and that is definitely not happening in this Guild. Remember there is always a person just like you on the other side of the screen, Flesh, Bones Ego and Feelings. Respect Eachother

4. Well .. Lol I lied, There is a 4th one. Last and final law. No seriously last one.... Im so seriously this ones gonna be the best one though.. Like.. Legit... just give me a minute. Gtg pee. Jk , no but forreal this ones great.... Nvm I forgot it.

About Us

1. This is an 'Everything' Guild , and a Judgment Free Zone with a bit of a nudge on darkness and a free home to misfits and newcomers of society and Gaians old and new.

2. Poetry , Donations , Charity , Story Telling , Role Play , Dating , Art sales , ANYTHING - Is allowed. Just don't go against Gaia's TOS.

3. Keep it at a friendly level. We're open to listening to venting (Seriously it helps to vent to people you don't know , They can't talk to anyone about you and hey they're most likely to relate more or less.)

4. This ones a side note If you need a favor, EVEN to talk.. PM me. Seriously c

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