<img src=http://img480.imageshack.us/img480/8351/chbcvb8wq.png>

Fun Facts About This Guild:

Was one of the first few guilds created. With help from, Jill the
Ripper, Nadescaflowne, Vulgar, Z.i.A, Nosik and created by Shinjuu. The
guild since has gone through periods of Lots of activity or very little. It has
been in the hands of Shinjuu, Mangacatgirl and AshtonSilver. The current
owner of the guild is J A P A N ! F O U R (which is shinjuu.)

The guild also has Two archives, in the first forum you will find some of the
first threads ever made in this guild and in the second archive forum you
will find more recent things. The main forum is now, once again the main
forum to be used.


Yes you can make topics.
- must still follow gaia's TOS
- i understand, that there will be people making threads to have a thread, that is okay. I wont delete it but, then again i'm not speaking for the other mods.
- HOTs are okay.

- It is your own choice to flame or not.
- Keep it fun, clean and lets not try to make people targets.

Becoming a Mod
- yes it is possible
- im not saying how
- being active here would help

Beefs with me
- Keep it in GD or where ever the hell and out of here.

Beefs with other members
- Have at it mans, entertainment is fun.

<center>Making Threads</center>

You might notice that there are people here, with similar interests. You can make threads about anything. Begging for gold or Items, is frowned upon.

Things I know we have in common here:
- A lot of us are artistically inclined
- A lot of us listen or have the same taste in music
- We're all using computers
- We're all awesome
- Many of us are Gamers
- Many of us watch a lot of the same anime
- Some like to dress up
- Some like to cosplay
- Some people here speak Japanese fluently (not me . _.)
- Most of us are open minded

It is okay to make topics in foreign languages here, Topics about music and bands/groups. Topics about animals, your day, about you if you wish, about an anime you are into or manga.. your favorite artists. Things on Gaia that you like as well as things that piss you off. Pretty much do what you want, have fun and mingle with the other awesome people.

Small FAQ

How do i become a mod?
Read Announcements, sometimes if we are looking for new mods they will say so in them..

Yes, this is the guild of awesome i expect all members to at least bring one friend and help our guild grow to AWESOME proportions.

Our Guild, whuts that mean?
It means, just because you arent a mod, doesnt mean you cant do something. If you dont like the way things are going do not be afraid to speak out, or speak up. We can't make this a better guild then the rest if we don't know how to keep people happy.

So.. I can do basically anything i want?
Well, pretty much. Within the rules of gaia. Hell start a riot for all i care, we all know when things are taken too far, or get out of hand. So i trust your judgment.

About.. petition threads..?
go for it. Hell if you want something different or want to be a mod or whutever, the more people that agree with you might help us better make a decision when it comes time for new mods.

How do i get a sticky?
Well Sticky's and getting a topic to be a sticky has certain requirements. The thread has to apply to everyone, and not require a lot of posting to keep it on top. Like i said before.. in the picture post thread, it's just for posting pictures of yourself. If you want to discuss start a thread.

; 3; you hate me.
&/O_o& noways man.

u_u yus you do.
&/u_u& nuhs.

._. im actually a very forgiving person. So if you ******** up as long as you fess up to it, i have no problem forgiving you.

Are we allowed to flame our own kind, or what? neutral
: i dont see any harm in it just dont get all personal, flaming is fun yes. Also dont make targets out of people, we're having fun, remember that.