As you step onto the unfamiliar terra, you look around with suspicion. Almost immediately, you are tackled to the ground. What you saw was nothing more than a blur. In the darkness of this moonless night, you can barely make out the shapes of over a dozen a large wolves and a few other creatures.
One, a female with an appearance so strange you cannot believe what you are seeing, steps forward. Her canines flash in a grin as the one holding you down steps back.

"Welcome to my domain, are you wishing to join this pack?"
Her voice is almost mesmeric, but there is a strong hint of authority and power within. Your head moves in a slow nod as you continue to stare at this strange wolf, baffled even more when you take a good look around. This is no ordinary wolf pack, and it isn't a pack at all. It is a clan, led by this one femma. Behind her stand what appears to be the deputies, or co-alphas. You seem confused that there are four instead of two, but do not say anything of it. The rest of the clan watches you in silent, excited anticipation as you turn your head back to the alphess.
Her silence is almost calming as she turns her back to you and leads the way through the mountains, the rest of the clan letting her through before turning and slowly following her lead...

User Image►A Message From the Alpha◄
Formerly known as v v starlight lunaria v v, I had created this guild with the intention of bringing forth roleplayers. Though made up of semi-lit - lit roleplayers, how you roleplay does not affect your chances of joining.
However, do not feel pressured to roleplay 24/7. There are plenty of other things to do, such as playing games, writing random journals, or just joining in on general chatter. We will welcome anyone with open arms, you just have to be active! We have some insane people here, but don't let that drive you away! Everyone is a lot of fun to talk to and you'll even get a good laugh sometimes! Occasionally, I'll throw a guild giveaway or send out an extremely silly announcement! The guild is almost always changing, and if you ever need any help you have me and your vice captains to contact. Joining and being active in this guild is something you wouldn't regret!

In order to join, you must fill out this form or your request will not be accepted!

Rp style (are you literate, semi-literate, etc.)
What you normally rp as (creatures etc.)
Your roleplay experience (How many roleplays you have joined, how long you have been roleplaying for, etc.)
An example of how you roleplay (Three- four sentence minimum if you are capable of it. If you can write more than that, you are encouraged to do so.)
How active you are in the guilds

Please do not donate any more gold to the guild's account! We have plenty of funding in there already!