In a time of universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act- George Orwell

Midera. A newly rediscovered continent that is where most of the action in this horrible predicament takes place. But it all started in another nation...

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The leader of a secret organization called the 'Aid' who claims to have safeguarded the USA named Robert Adams has asked Secret Service Agent Samuel Ford to help his agents move a secret prototype a terrorist named Ventus has been trying to make a grab for. But when Ford got to the subway station where the prototype would transported by subway, he was immediately attacked by Ventus's men, who were originally Aid agents. It turns out Ventus had a neuro-toxin, turning the most of the human military and Aid agents into puppets. Adams saw the whole thing after using Ford's visor to watch what was going on.

Once Ford was able to recover the item, called the Universal Cipher, for lack of a better name, Adams was impressed and gave Ford a visor linked directly to the president and Adams, and sent him to Midera where Ventus had claimed to be hiding out and spreading the neuro-toxin. But what they saw was not what they expected. Allied with Ventus's men were alien monsters, creatures the UC had called the Drudge. They were helping to add the neuro-toxin to strategic locations where it will enter the water supply of every nation on earth. Ford was not sure why the aliens were siding with Ventus, but he was able to destroy the facility. But his visor was suddenly disconnected to the president. Though Adams was still clear, he was making no sense.

"It is admirable that you could save the nations of this great
world of ours. It was too bad you had to die in the line of duty, fighting against the first hordes of the 'alien' invasion. Goodbye, Mr. Ford."

Ford was confused by this, but suddenly waves of aliens and Aid agents and puppets began to assault him. In the midst of battle, a very unexpected voice made it through to Ford's earpiece. It was Ventus, who claimed that Adams had set this whole charade up. Aid was using their power and their technology with the help of the Drudge to spread the neuro-toxin and control the minds of the entire world. Ford didn't believe this at first, but when Ventus's men suddenly came down and saved him by suicide to allow him to escape, he was convinced.

But it was too late, Ford had finished his purpose. Now, not only coudn't he gather some of the only neuro-toxin to formulate an antidote, the president felt he should destroy all the forces on the island and sent men there, the Aid agents claiming to be allies of the military while they spread the neuro-toxin and killed more soldiers. Adams had already convinced the president that Samuel Ford was a puppet, so Ford couldn't talk to the president either. Ford then started getting recruits to his team, as Aid wiped out almost all of Ventus's men, by finding survivors of the conflicts with the Drudge and Aid, and lost human military.

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Now, the Aid and Drudge will try to take the world while the small team lead by Samuel and Ventus tries to take them down. The human military are on their own for the most part, though Aid has helped them occasionally. Most of the conflict lies in Midera, but it also resides in other parts of the world.

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Who will you be with? An Aid agent, a secret agent with high-tech equipment, an alien being of the Drudge with their odd bio-weapons attached to their bodies with odd effects, a soldier of the misguided human military, or be part of Ventus and Ford's small team? You may even be a rogue searching for the truth yourself...

You decide weather you know the whole truth, come up with your own truth, or try to figure out the truth. Each faction's view is almost entirely different, so what one faction thinks is going on is different from what another faction thinks is going on.

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