"Welcome my odd new friend, step out of the rain and take shelter by my fireplace.
The night is long and on a night like this one could catch their death in such a downpour. Of course that could almost be considered a blessing when compared to some of the other ways to die on a night like this, one could find themselves washed away into the gutter as easily as the rain itself, spirited away on a strong current and digested by the city. But listen to me speaking in such a manner, my memory must be worse than I thought for I almost forgot who I was talking to. I hardly have to use such bleak metaphors with one such as yourself, you know just as well as I do what walks this city by night, the things that haunt the parks, and who stalks the alleys when the city turns a blind eye and looks other way, why no one gos out alone anymore and never forget to lock there doors. You know because you have seen it, lived it, and are part of it...even more so than I.... "

"So come, sit with me inside while the city's streets are washed clean by the rain and Give a poor man a moment to poor himself a drink before you ask those questions you came to ask..."