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Useful Links:
Tattoos, Body Piercing, and Body Modification - Official BodMod Thread on Gaia.
Its STRETCHED, you sillies :3 - Official Stretched Piercing Thread on Gaia.
BMEzine - The most popular body modification website, by far. View pictures of various body modifications, submit your own photos, create your own IAM page, keep up to date by reading the ModBlog, buy BME merchandise and much more.
BMEzine Encyclopedia - Includes tons of definitions to body modification terms as well as providing you with good after care information.
Employment Guide - Not sure if your potential future employer will accept your bodmods? Find out on this useful site.
Suspension - A great community for those interested in suspension. Offers a useful FAQ as well.
SafePiercing - The Association of Professional Piercer's guide to aftercare and getting pierced.

Body Jewelry Websites:
BAF: Body Art Forms - Popular and much loved by many. You'll find a huge selection of body jewelry that comes in many different sizes, styles, and best of all, affordable prices. They even give you a BAF sticker with each purchase~ :3
Tribalectic - Another great source for a large and affordable selection of body jewelry. Even contains helpful healing tips, articles, and piercing experience testimonials from members.
OneTribe Organics - Exclusively sells organic body jewelry - wood, stone, glass, horn, and much more.
Kolo Piercing - Another great website that specializes in mostly organic jewelry.

Feel free to send me a PM if you know of a good website to add to the list. n__n