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The Rules

1. You must play some kind of game to be in this guild.

2. No PORN. If I catch you with porn on a forum I will have you BANNED from gaia. That includes Hentai.

3. I allow cussing but, it has to go with the rules of gaia.

4. Post everyday if you can and INVITE people to join..

5. Invite people to join I will thank you for that.

This guild consist of things other than gaming, I don't care what you talk about as long as it applies with the rules.

Also Plz Help me here I am just trying to start my own guild, sure it's not much but imagine what it could be. All I ask is that you post and invite people to join.

Read the rules! Anyone who abuses them will be kicked out!

I really dont want to kick you out so if you plz follow the rules.
xd xd xd xd