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The Year is 2010, Earth as been freed of evil since Jungle Fury. But a new threat is on the rise, as the rangers of the past make a stand, with a new line of defense. The Power Ranger Academy! Where they will teach the next generation. What it means to be a ranger, and how to work as a team.

It’s a race against the clock as more and more old enemies reappeared to join the fight against them. But there are a few twists, turns, and surprise waiting just around the corner.

Once you join, please check the rules and the Character forums please

Thank you

(for those of you that plan to join and become a part of the Ranger Academy Rp. None of you will have a morpher going into the RP. They go to the Academy to train to become Rangers.)

Open to creating more PR related RP's, You can either Pitch in the Main forum or contact Ayame Ubi personal.