Welcome to The Naruto Ninjas Guild!

User Image
Thanks to hyatt-ayanami for this picture!

To join The Naruto Ninjas Guild, you have to meet a few requirements. We have posted questions below for you to answer. You need to get 6 or more of the questions correct to pass. If you only get five or below correct, your form won't be accepted BUT you have one more chance to join. Everyone has two chances. What if you don't pass either test? If you are really adament about joining the guild then I might give you one more shot.

Copy and paste the following questions into your registration form and then answer them. Try and attempt all of them please.

1. What village does Naruto live in?

2. What is the number of Naruto's team?

3. What is the "demon fox" named?

4. What do you hear Naruto say most often (Can be English or Japanese)?

5. What food does Naruto love the most?

6. Who is Itachi's brother?

7. Why did Sasuke leave Konoha?

8. Who's the man with white hair, usually referred to as Pervert or Pervy Sage?

10. What is that little red thing attached to Naruto's shoulder (anyone who attempts this question gets it right)?

You might be sitting in your computer chair thinking "Should I pay 50 of my hard earned gold tokens to join this guild?," the answer to this question is yes!! You might also thinking this, "I have no clue what kind of stuff is in this guild." The answer to this is in list below of things that we have in the guild and the things that are to come!

- News ~ Whats new in the guild and in the world of Naruto
- Pictures, Avatars, Art, and more of your favorite Naruto character!
- Fan Fiction ~ Read others or write your own!!
- Quizzes ~ (like Chatterbox) but instead Naruto questions!
- Games ~ Come join a fun game that has already started or create a game yourself!

So come join the fun!

Please read the rules before you post in the forums!

If you have any questions or concerns before you join the Guild then send a PM to one of these accounts (but only these accounts)
