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- We ask that you please read over everything on the HomePage before you join the guild.

- If you have any questions, suggestions, complaints, anything please private message Soleq or ButterBalls.

This guild is dedicated to the Life Issues forum.

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Disclaimer: These rules can change at any time without notifying you. Due to educational purposes, and only educational purposes (mainly receiving and giving advice), the content might get a little mature (meaning there could be mature content). Almost everyone giving advice won't be a doctor, unless otherwise stated, so you might want to get a second opinion.

1) Follow The RAGG - Rules and Guidelines for Guilds GGN Rules and Faqs
2) Follow The TOS - Terms of Service TOS - Terms Of Service
3) Follow the RAG - Rules and Guidelines RAG - Rules and Guidelines
4) Minimal Spam - Try to keep the spam to a minimum other than the Spam thread. Talking is allowed, but try to keep the spam down.
5) No flaming. Try to keep the criticism to a minimum. We do allow it just make sure you watch out for yourself. We will be monitoring.
6) Be respectful. In all threads asking for advice please try and be respectful as possible. It might seem funny or amusing to be disrespectful, and probably is to you, but they are asking for advice and we do ask that you keep it out of those threads.
7) No joke threads. No joke issues either. A joke thread would mean that you make a thread asking for advice usually with the intentions of annoying or making fun of users. If we catch you doing this you might be instantly banned from the guild depending on the situation.
9) No advertising. There will be no advertising of any kind in the guild. If the members deem it necessary then I or someone else can make an advertisement thread specifically for advertising everyone's ads.

We warned you.

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This guild is dedicated to the Life Issues sub-forum in the General Discussion. This is a place that provides the Oldbies, Regulars, Advice Seekers, and/or Advice Givers a place to hang out and have fun in. It's also a place to seek advice or give advice if that's something that you would like to participate in. Unlike other guilds that provide communities to give advice towards certain subjects as love, sex, parenting, and more, this is a guild that doesn't have any specific topic. Furthermore, it provides any user from any forum a community to talk in if they would like to.

Other than that, this should be a pretty laid back place so come in and have some fun.

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Who are the founders of the guild?
ButterBalls and Soleq

Who are the owners of the guild?
Soleq and xLaurelX

Who can I private message about issues I have with the guild?
Soleq, Captain_Sipid_Peabody, xLaurelX, Chalda, Reivena, AraTeran, or badloki.

Who's LifeIssues?
LifeIssues is an account that ButterBalls and Soleq created as a captain for this guild. We both had the idea to create this guild and rather than one of us owning the guild we decided that we should both own the guild.

Do I have to be literate?
No, you don't have to be literate to join this guild. Although, most of us aren't going to criticize you for being illiterate we do ask that you try and be literate. This is not to demean you in anyway but rather to help everyone else because it's easier to read something when you don't have to figure out what it's trying to say. Acronyms such as: brb, lol, and omg are allowed.

How do I become crew (moderator of the guild)?
Well, technically you don't become crew in this guild. The point of assigning crew is to regulate and uphold the guild rules and guidelines and such. That means that if you're good at regulating and such while having a good record then the current crew and captain will go over your behavior. Other guilds assign crew because they're popular with the guild or friends of the user and the sort. This is absolutely fine and we're not criticizing this way of assigning but we're stating that it's not necessarily how this guild is going to do it.

If you would like to become one then all you really have to do is keep a good record, know your stuff, follow the rules and guidelines, and all that other good stuff. Since you will most likely have to deal with users if you are crew you will probably have to be literate.

Also, we have been trying to hold "elections" for crew every three months. This may or may not happen regularly.

I can donate to the guild?
Yes, you're allowed to donate to the guild. However, you might want to realize that all donations going to the guild will go into the Guild Account which is shown at the bottom along with other various information. This gold can currently only be used to buy sub-forums for the guild.

How do I join?
How To Join
Required: We require that you put "I have read the guild rules and guidelines and understand them." If you don't put this your application to join might not be accepted.

We also require that you put a little explanation of why you would like to join the guild. If you don't put this your application to join might not be accepted.

Other than that, there's really not much that you have to do.

Optional: Are you an LI Regular/Oldbie? How long have you been in LI? And any other stuff that you might want to tell us about yourself to give us a better idea of who you are. This won't have any affect on if you're declined or accepted.

While we don't require it we do ask that you try and stay active.

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It would be nice if the Life Issues Hangout could ally with all other guilds offering advice.

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Main emphasis of advice: suicide.

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Main emphasis of advice: love.

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Main emphasis of advice: teen sex, teen pregnancy, puberty.

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Main emphasis of advice: all types.

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Main emphasis of advice: self-harm.

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Main emphasis of advice: sex.

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Main emphasis of advice: abuse.

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Main emphasis of advice: parenting.

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Main emphasis of advice: all types.

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Main emphasis of advice: self-harm and suicide.

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Main emphasis of advice: rape.

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Main emphasis of advice: virgin advice.

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LI = Life Issues
lol = Laugh Out Loud
lmao = Laugh My a** Off
rofl = Roll On Floor Laughing
omg = Oh My God
wtf = What the ********/> imo = In My Opinion
np = No Problem
irl = In Real Life
ty = Thank You
btw = By The Way
PM = Private Message