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The Brethren Court is calling for all pirates, new and old, to join them at Shipwreck Cove.
Come join in the fun! Contests! Adventurous Roleplaying!
Talk about your favorite PotC movie/characters or anything else!
Meet new people and make new friends!
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In order for us to accept your request, we must be able to view your profile and send you a PM.
If you have it blocked, how are we to contact you?
Please indicate if this is a mule account, list your main account as well.
In your join request,
please include the following information.


How many of the three movies have you seen?
Which movie is your favorite?
Who's your favorite character?
Did a Brethren Court Pirate recruit you? Who was it?

We have plenty of gold in the Guild coffers so please send all
donations to our Guild's Mule so that we may use it for contests~Pirata Codex
Remember to subscribe to her journal for the lastest updates!